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Per year in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+8Posted:2018-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortMeaning: adv. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received). 
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(121) The simplest models assume that earnings grow at a constant rate of g percent per year.
(122) Double this rate would allow the total amount of depreciation to be written off at the rate of 40 percent per year.
(123) There are 365 days per year available for work.
(124) Single people get it on 62 times per year.
(125) Power user accounts are $59.95 per year.
(126) The dealership does about four such events per year.
(127) Additional storage costs $99 per year.
(128) We mainly design and manufacture deck and outfitting machinery used in oceanographic ship, warship and oil platform. We can manufacture 300 units of products per year.
(129) The Independent reports that citizens of the small, post-Soviet republic of Moldova are the world's biggest drinkers, knocking back the equivalent of more than 18 litres of pure alcohol per year.
(130) One of the attractions is that a campaign to iodize salt costs only 2 cents to 3 cents per person reached per year.
(131) An average record store needs to sell at least two copies of a CD per year to make it worth carrying; that's the rent for a half inch of shelf space.
(132) The acceleration of deliveries and orders, agreed within the framework of the economical revitalisation plan, has allowed increasing the production cycle to 300 PVP per year in 2009 and 2010.
(133) Turns Per Year – This option allows the player to choose up to 4 turns per year.
(134) For their sleep problems alone, snorers spent about $1,000 extra per year, sleep apnea sufferers paid more than $5,000, and those with obesity hypoventilation syndrome exceeded a whopping $15,000.
(135) The government's target of 3.5 % growth per year seems difficult to meet.
(136) The clothing store Jeff works for has four end - of - season sales per year.
(137) The average adult gets three colds per year, each lasting an average of nine days, says Jane Sadler, M. D. , a family practice physician at Baylor-Garland Hospital in Garland, Texas.
(137) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(138) If just 30% of those users pay the $25 annual fee, as RBC's survey suggests, that would yield roughly $750 million in incremental revenue per year.
(139) The wealth management market, at $1.2 trillion, is expected to grow over 12 percent per year for the next five years while life insurance rings in revenues of A$12 billion a year.
(140) Some companies have fixed programs that allow, forexample, one sick day per month or twelve per year, cumulatively.
(141) An individual who starts investing $10,000 per year at age 35 will have $1.13 million at age 65, assuming an 8 percent average rate of return.
(142) They can purchase from 10 gigabytes to 400 gigabytes additional storage for $20 to $500 per year.
(143) Battelle and its subcontractors will perform logistics verification and validation in the form of initial, in-progress, and final inspections on thousands of pieces of Army equipment per year.
(144) An additional 2.9 per 1,000 celiac patients per year died compared with a control group.
(145) This means at a population growth rate of 2.0 percent per year the average density of population in the world will double every thirty-five years.
(146) Workers at nuclear installations are not supposed to receive more than 5 rad per year.
(147) Overall, the study participants had an average telomere loss of 21 nucleotides ( structural units ) per year.
(148) Salary:RMB 13500(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 13-month basis per year after confirmation.
(149) The EU Commission projects the ban on the energy-inefficient bulbs will save about 40 terawatt hours of energy in the EU per year -- enough to meet the energy demands of a small country.
(150) To 36 million tourists per year, Las Vegas is a place to blow off steam and get away from the pressures of daily life.
More similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortbleary-eyedyearyearsyearnnew yearyear-endtwo-yearyearlyyear endyearn fornew year'smidyearthis yeargoodyearyearlongtwo-year-oldeach yearleap yearlast yeartwo year oldyearlingyearbook
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